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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Workforce Development Board

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Board (PA WDB) is the governor's private sector policy advisor on building a strong workforce development system aligned with state education and economic development goals. Most of its members are appointed by the Governor and represent a variety of workforce development stakeholders, including business executives, labor officials, education leaders, economic development practitioners, and local elected officials. In addition, seven state agency cabinet secretaries and four members of the General Assembly serve on the Board.

The PA WDB's mission is to ensure that Pennsylvania's entire workforce system, covering many programs in multiple departments and agencies, meets employers' needs for skilled workers and workers' needs for career and economic advancement. The Board is also responsible for providing policy guidance and direction to policymakers, evaluating performance, and recommending continuous improvements.

PA WDB Committees

The PA WDB accomplishes its mission through the work of its committees. The Board currently has 11 committees aligned with the six broad goals in Pennsylvania's 2024-2028 WIOA Combined State Plan. Several committees support Goal 6: Addressing Workforce Shortages in Critical Industries.

All committees meet at least quarterly to develop a subject matter expertise in a certain workforce development policy area, monitor implementation of the WIOA Combined State Plan, identify and share best practices, identify opportunities for the state to support local workforce development initiatives, and recommend strategies to improve the workforce development system.


    • Agriculture (Supports WIOA Plan Goal 6)
    • Apprenticeship and Career & Technical Education (Supports WIOA Plan Goal 1)
    • Barrier Remediation (Supports WIOA Plan Goal 5)
    • Construction Workforce (Supports WIOA Plan Goal 6)
    • Continuous Improvement of the PA CareerLink® System (Supports WIOA Plan 4)
    • Education Workforce Shortage (Supports WIOA Plan Goal 6)
    • Healthcare Workforce (Supports WIOA Plan Goal 6)
    • Industry Partnerships and Employer Engagement (Supports WIOA Plan Goal 2)
    • Manufacturing (Supports WIOA Plan Goal 6) ​
    • Reentry (Supports multiple WIOA Plan goals)
    • Youth (Supports WIOA Plan Goal 3)

PA WDB Quarterly Meeting Schedule

Contact the PA WDB

If you have a question or comment for the PA WDB, please email the Board at

About the PA WDB


Please contact the PA Workforce Development Board at for an accessible version of information provided in any document resource.

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