Workforce Development
Welcome to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry's Workforce Development web pages.
Pennsylvania's workforce development system enables businesses and workers to compete in the worldwide, knowledge-based economy. The workforce system enhances employer competitiveness and innovation while preparing Pennsylvanians for jobs that pay in an economy that grows, supports families and businesses and is effectively improving the quality of life for our most valuable resource - our people.
Employer Training: Hiring People with Disabilities
Registration is OPEN for the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry’s and Temple University Institute on Disabilities’ training series on hiring individuals with disabilities. This three-part series highlights the importance of fostering inclusivity and accessibility in the workplace, and removing barriers to competitive, integrated employment in Pennsylvania.
The second training session explores the financial benefits and strategies with hiring people with disabilities, including tax credits, incentives, and accommodating diverse needs in the workplace.
The third training session explores strategies to removing barriers and cultivating a culture of belonging that embraces individuals with disabilities in the workplace.
Session 2 - April 17, 9-10:30 a.m. | Registration: Meeting Registration - Zoom
Session 2 - Apirl 18, 2-3:30 p.m. | Registration: Meeting Registration - Zoom
Session 3 - May 8, 9-10:30 a.m. | Registration: Meeting Registration - Zoom
Session 3 - May 9, 2-3:30 p.m. | Registration: Meeting Registration - Zoom
Barriers to Reentering the Workforce Survey
L&I has noticed a trend in recent years that many Pennsylvanians want to work but cannot because of circumstances that make it difficult – such as lack of access to childcare or transportation. L&I’s Bureau of Workforce Partnership & Operations (BWPO) created a short survey to collect information about employment barriers, so that we can identify new ways to help Pennsylvanians overcome these challenges and achieve their career goals.
The survey will help identify barriers to employment and/or reemployment that impact unemployment compensation (UC) recipients. Information gathered through the survey will help L&I to better communicate with and serve job seekers and improve service delivery across the UC system. Survey results will be used to develop tools, resources, and training to encourage UC recipients to reenter the workforce and empower them to earn individual- or family-sustaining wages.
If you received an email with a link to this survey, please fill it out. It should take about five minutes to complete. Survey responses are anonymous and confidential. Thank you for helping us make Pennsylvania a better place to work and live.
For additional Information, contact