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2024-2028 WIOA Combined State Plan 
2024-2028 WIOA Combined State Plan
2024-2028 WIOA Combined State Plan Public Comments and Responses

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires the governor of each state to submit a four-year unified or combined state plan outlining the state’s workforce development strategy.

Pennsylvania's Combined State Plan includes the six WIOA Core programs: (Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Wagner-Peyser, Adult Basic Education, and Vocational Rehabilitation), as well the following optional programs:

  • Career and Technical Education Programs-Perkins Act
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers Programs
  • Jobs for Veterans State Grants Program
  • Senior Community Service Employment Program
  • Reintegration of Ex-Offenders Program
  • Community Services Block Grant
  • Unemployment Insurance

The state plan was drafted with input from the departments of Aging, Agriculture, Community and Economic Development, Corrections, Education, Human Services, Military and Veterans Affairs, and State, in addition to public input from listening sessions in the fall of 2023. Public Comments were accepted on Pennsylvania’s WIOA Combined State Plan beginning December 16, 2023 and concluding at 5:00 PM Tuesday January 16, 2024.

Information on Pennsylvania’s 2016-24 WIOA State Plans

2020-24 Pennsylvania WIOA Combined State Plan Modification

2022 PA WIOA Modification Public Comments and Responses.pdf

2018 Pennsylvania WIOA Combined State Plan Modification (as substantially approved on June 11, 2018)

2018 Pennsylvania WIOA Combined State Plan Modification Public Comments and Responses

2016 Pennsylvania WIOA Combined State Plan (as substantially approved on June 16, 2016)

2016 Pennsylvania WIOA Combined State Plan – Accessible Version (as substantially approved on June 16, 2016)

2016 Pennsylvania WIOA Combined State Plan (as initially submitted on March 17, 2016)

2016 Pennsylvania WIOA Combined State Plan Public Comment and Responses

Regional and Local WIOA Plans

For program years 2021-2024, Pennsylvania’s 10 planning regions and 22 Local Workforce Development Boards submitted plans with strategies to implement the WIOA Combined State Plan and the commonwealth’s workforce development goals at the regional and local level. These regional and local plans were developed collaboratively with stakeholders and provide the framework for statewide workforce development alignment, creating a comprehensive workforce development system, and achieving the commonwealth’s WIOA goals.

NOTE: Single area regions are required to submit either a local area plan or have the option to submit a regional plan and local plan which is reflected in the links below.

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