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Non-OSHA Covered Employers

Non-OSHA covered employers (including public sector employers) are required to:
  • Post a Workplace Notice, which lists employee rights under the law.
  • Complete and post a Hazardous Substance Survey Form (HSSF) annually, by April 1 of each year, and provide it to the Department of Labor and Industry, upon request.
  • Collect and maintain a file of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs)/Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). The MSDSs/SDSs give detailed information on each hazardous substance in the workplace. MSDSs/SDSs must be made available to employees without intervention of a supervisor.
  • Complete an Environmental Hazard Survey Form (EHSF), if requested by the department, and make it available to employees.
  • Label all containers and ports of pipelines containing hazardous substances or hazardous mixtures in the workplace.
  • Label workplace containers and ports of pipelines containing any chemical.
Provide copies of the HSSF, EHSF, and MSDSs/SDSs to local emergency response organizations, upon request.
   Bureau of Workers' Compensation
Health & Safety Division
651 Boas Street, 8th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17121
Phone: 717-772-1635