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​Elements of an Effective LEP Plan

After completing the four-factor analysis and deciding what language assistance services are appropriate, the L&I program should develop an implementation plan to address the identified needs of the LEP populations they serve. L&I programs have considerable flexibility in developing this plan. The development and maintenance of a periodically updated written plan on language assistance for LEP persons (LEP Plan) for use by L&I program staff serving the public will likely be the most appropriate and cost-effective means of documenting compliance and providing a framework for the provision of timely and reasonable language assistance.

Written plans would provide additional benefits to the L&I program managers and administrators in the areas of training, administration, planning, and budgeting. These benefits should lead most programs to document in a written LEP Plan their language assistance services, and how staff and LEP persons can access those services. L&I programs serving very few LEP persons and/ or with very limited resources may choose to develop and submit a "Summary LEP Plan".

In the event that an L&I program submits a "Summary LEP Plan", it should include alternative ways to articulate in some other reasonable manner a plan for providing meaningful access. Programs having significant contact with LEP persons, such as the Unemployment Compensation Insurance or Employment Security services can be very helpful in providing important input into smaller Programs' LEP planning processes.
The following five steps may be helpful in designing an LEP Plan and are typically part of effective implementation plans:


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​1. Identifying LEP Individuals Who Need Language Assistance

​2. Language Assistance Measures

​3. Training Staff

​4. Providing Notice to LEP Persons

​5. Monitoring and Updating the LEP Plan

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In addition to these five elements, effective plans set clear goals, management accountability, and opportunities for community input and planning throughout the process.