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District Offices

Altoona District Office
1130 12th Ave.
Suite 200
Altoona, PA 16601
814-940-6224 or 1-877-792-8198
Harrisburg District Office
1301 Labor & Industry Building
651 Boas St.
Harrisburg, PA 17121
717-705-5969 or 1-800-932-0665
Philadelphia District Office
110 North 8th St.
Suite 203
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-560-1858 or 1-877-817-9497
Pittsburgh District Office
301 5th Ave.
Suite 350
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
412-565-5300 or 1-877-504-8354
Scranton District Office
201 B State Office Building
100 Lackawanna Ave.
Scranton, PA 18503
570-963-4577 or 1-877-214-3962
Email the Bureau of Labor Law Compliance at