Obtaining Medical Treatment
Under the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act an employee may be restricted as to a choice of Health Care Provider for a period of 90 days from the date the employee first seeks medical treatment. Providing the employer complies with the posting requirements and establishes a list of at least 6 designated health care providers, no more than 2 of whom may be a Coordinated Care Organization and no fewer than 3 of whom shall be physicians, the employee shall be required to visit one of the physicians or other health care providers so designated and shall continue to visit the same or another designated physician or health care provider for a period of 90 days from the date of the first visit.
It shall be the duty of the employer to provide a clearly written notification of the employee's rights and duties under this act to the employee. The employer shall further ensure that the employee has been informed and that he/she understands these rights and duties. This duty shall be evidenced only by the employee's written acknowledgment of having been informed and having understood his/her rights and duties. All current and newly hired employees (at the time of hire) must sign the employee notification.