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Optional post-graduation supervised and evaluated workplace-based learning experience to enhance and further develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for success in the field of training.

Program Objectives

The student will

    • Develop and enhance skills and knowledge obtained in the CTI training program through authentic application and repetition of core workplace technical competencies as demonstrated through instructor and externship employer/supervisor evaluation of work performance and results.
    • Demonstrate essential workplace skills through integrated participation in workplace as demonstrated by successful completion of the externship experience and instructor and externship employer/supervisor evaluation of workplace habits and attitudes.
    • Develop confidence in their ability to work independently and/or with limited supervision in their field of training.
    • Gain resume job experience and potentially professional references in their field of training to improve their employability following completion of the externship.

Externships can be either eight or sixteen weeks (half or full academic term) running on the CTI at HGAC academic calendar.

The weekly and daily schedule will be an approximately full-time employment schedule based upon the need of the externship employer. The potential exists for the externship to be paid, but it is anticipated most will be unpaid externships.

The student would reside in the dorms and receive other campus services as applicable. Students will continue to work with the CTI at HGAC Career Guidance Center during their externship receiving placement assistance to secure regular employment upon completion of their externship.

The externship experience will be supervised by an instructor/academic advisor from the student's CTI training program.  The student will be evaluated and provided feedback on their technical work performance and their "soft" workplace skills and habits by the instructor and externship employer/supervisor.