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Municipal Elections and Contact Information

The link below will open a table that lists all of Pennsylvania’s 2,562 municipalities, by county, and their status under the Uniform Construction Code (UCC).
Opt-ins are those municipalities that have elected to enforce the UCC. Opt-outs are those that have relinquished all UCC enforcement authority to either the Department of Labor & Industry (for non-residential buildings and structures) or certified third-party agencies (hired by the property owner for residential code enforcement).
If an opt-in municipality carried over changes to the UCC (these must equal or exceed the requirements found in the UCC and must have been in a locally enacted building code ordinance as of July 1, 1999), the word Amendments will appear in the column headed PRE July 1, 1999 Amendments. Since the Department of Labor & Industry had no review and approval authority over this matter, we have no record as to what these changes may be. Customers will have to contact the municipal that has amendments, to determine what these changes may be.
To facilitate customer contacts with local code enforcement programs, this table includes the name and phone number for the person serving as the "Building Code Official." Local enforcing jurisdictions are required to provide this name and contact information in a timely manner. Some fail to do so, even though the Department may make repeated attempts to secure this information. Thus, from time to time there may be municipalities on this list that lack this contact information.