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​​​​​Programs and Resources​

Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) program is a federal program designed to provide unemployment compensation, or UC, claimants early access to services that can help them get back into the workforce. The program is administered by the PA Department of Labor & Industry’s, or L&I’s Bureau of Workforce Partnership and Operations, or BWPO, and delivered by Career Advisors in PA CareerLink® offices throughout the commonwealth. The RESEA program is designed to target those who have filed for unemployment and may benefit from the reemployment services that PA CareerLink® has to offer.

The RESEA program is considered an early intervention program for participants that have recently begun collecting unemployment benefits. By engaging customers early in their claim cycle, they can learn more about workforce development services and programs that can help them find new work more successfully and quickly.

Beginning in 2019, the United States Department of Labor provided operating guidance (See TEGL No. 06-19, UIPL No. 08-20 AND TEGL 12-20) that all states must begin evaluating their RESEA programs beginning FY20. Per TEGL 06-19 the purpose of the RESEA program is to reduce the UC benefit duration and improve employment outcomes-higher wages, sustained employment periods. Each program must be evaluated to prove with statistical accuracy the efficacy of the services provided through the state’s RESEA program on the duration of UC benefits and the continuation of employment through quarters after program participation completion.

RESEA Program Cap Program Evaluation - Evaluation Design Report (EDR)​.
RESEA Program CAP Program Evaluation - Final Outcome Report​.


KPMG was contracted by the Pennsylvania Departments of Labor & Industry (L&I) and Community & Economic Development (DCED) to conduct an independent evaluation of business services provided by the public workforce system to employers in the Commonwealth. These services are designed to fulfill one of the major goals of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): to improve services to employers and to promote work-based training with an emphasis on working with employers to provide opportunities to enhance their hiring, training, and retraining practices to promote economic and workforce growth. In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic and national economic conditions have presented Pennsylvania’s public workforce system, labor force, and its business community with new and existing challenges. To better understand these challenges and ensure that services match existing needs, KPMG was tasked by the Departments with conducting a mixed methods evaluation of business services provided under the public workforce system. This evaluation was given the goal of determining whether the Workforce and Economic Development (WED) system is effectively serving employers and if the system infrastructure is sufficient to support that service delivery.

KPMG’s Final Combined Report​ presents the results of the business services evaluation over the period April 27, 2022 through March 31, 2023.

PA CareerLink®
The commonwealth's PA CareerLink® offices provide help finding a job, looking for a better job, receiving job training and seeking vocational rehabilitation services.

SkillUp™ PA
SkillUp™ PA was launched to provide access to free, online job skills training to Pennsylvania residents. Courses are available on the Metrix Learning Portal and can be accessed by registering for a free account on the PA CareerLink® website.

Employment & Career Information
Additional help for finding a job in Pennsylvania

Employment for Veterans
Find information about the GI Bill, as well as state and federal programs.

Reentry Resources
 toolkit of resources and services educates employers, providers, and workers on the opportunities and benefits of hiring returning citizens and assistance in navigating and overcoming challenges when seeking employment.

Unemployment Compensation / Workers' Compensation
State and federal information about Unemployment Compensation, and information about Workers' Compensation for job-related injury/illness.

Accessibility Resources
Information about finding a job and assistance programs for individuals with disabilities

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Programs
The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program allows workers whose jobs have been affected by foreign competition to receive certain benefits.

Labor Market Information
Information about occupations and wages from the Department of Labor & Industry's Center for Workforce Information & Analysis, including the Pennsylvania Career Guide.

Training & Education Information
More information about individual occupations and additional assistance for certain populations.

Grants & Financial Aid
Information about the FAFSA, aid available to Pennsylvania residents, and the GI Bill.

Workforce Development Newsletters
Contains links to the most current PA Works workforce development newsletters.