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L&I, Office of Information Technology Procedure


Name: Granting Contractors Access to Federal Tax Information
Effective Date: August 2017
Category: Security
Version: 1.1

1. Scope:

This procedure applies to all Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) employees and business partners (hereinafter referred to collectively as “L&I Users”).

2. Procedure:

The procedure is implemented by the business area staff and OIT.

  1. Procedure to grant access to FTI data for contracted resources

    Step Responsibility Action
    1. Business area Requests contracted staff
    2. OIT system owner Determines level of access, if L&I User needs access to federal tax information (FTI)
    3. OIT system owner Submits L&I Users (contractor) name and information to FTI system owner
    4. System owner Submits memorandum to IRS safeguards for 45-day approval
    5. IRS safeguards Provides written approval/deny for L&I User access
    6. System owner Sends approval/deny letter to OIT system owner (SO)
    7. OIT system owner If approved: submits CR & ECAB to grant approval for L&I User to access FTI data

    If denied: reassigns L&I User or separates from employment

3. References

L&I Policy Definitions Document
SEC-008 - Incident Response Policy
SEC-009 - Federal Tax Information Data Compliance Policy
Security Incident Reporting for Internal Revenue Service
Security Incident Reporting for Social Security Administration
Security Breach Checklist
ITP-SEC024 - IT Security Incident Reporting Policy
IRS Publication 1075

4. Version Control

Version Date Purpose
1.0 10/2016 Base Document
1.1 08/2017 Updates to document IRS requirements